Live Well Psychotherapy, PLLC

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Managing Your Anger

Strategies for Managing Your Anger:

We’ve all been there! It’s normal and understandable to get angry sometimes. Anger can be a powerful and challenging emotion, but with the right tools and strategies, it's possible to manage it in a healthy and effective way. Here are some strategies that can help you get started:

Step 1: Identify your triggers. What are the situations, people, or events that tend to set you off? Understanding your triggers is the first step to managing your anger.

Step 2: Take a step back. When you feel your anger starting to rise, take a deep breath, count to 10, or step away from the situation. Use this opportunity to notice where you feel the anger in your body; maybe your breathing has changed, or perhaps you notice your heart rate has quickened. Developing more awareness around the physical changes that occur with anger, can help you catch it earlier. This gives you a moment to collect yourself and avoid reacting impulsively.

Step 3: Practice grounding strategies. Grounding strategies, such as deep breathing or mindful breathing, can help bring your awareness back to the present moment so that you can become more aware of your emotions. This takes practice, so be kind to yourself if you find this challenging at first. Practicing a simple breathing exercise everyday, even if it’s for 1-3 minutes, can help you build more mind/body awareness.

Step 4: Accept and sit with your emotions. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore your anger, try to accept it as a normal and natural emotion. Pay attention to your feelings, and try to understand what they're telling you. Be gentle with yourself. Feeling angry does not make you a bad person. This is a normal, human experience.

Step 5: Use "I" statements. When expressing your anger, use "I" statements to avoid blaming others and take responsibility for your own emotions. For example, you might say, “I’m really angry right now and need some time to cool down before talking about my feelings.”

Step 6: Find healthy ways to release your emotions. Write in a journal, talk to a trusted friend, or engage in a physical activity that allows you to release tension in a healthy way.

Remember, it’s okay to feel angry. Anger is a normal and healthy emotion, but it's important to manage it in a way that doesn't harm yourself or others. With these simple strategies, you can start to manage your anger in a way that benefits you and those around you!

So next time you're feeling angry, try out these steps and see how they work for you. By accepting your emotions and using grounding strategies, you can develop a healthy relationship with your anger.